Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Give2Asia Turns Over MPC

PBSP-LRC recently completed the upgrade of the multi-purpose center (MPC) of the Southeast Peoples Village Homeowners Association, Inc. (SEPVHOAI) and the MPC was turned over formally through a ceremony attended by Give2Asia Program Consultant for the Philippines, Ms. Alexie Ferreria-Mercado, PBSP LRC Manager Ms. Kristine Rivadelo and Program Officer Ms. Elizabeth Crisologo, barangay officials of Ibayo Tipas and the SEPVHOAI officers and members. 

In July of 2011, the community, represented by SEPVHOA, received a grant from Give2Asia (G2A), through PBSP, for the reconstruction of its one-storey multi-purpose center (MPC). With reconstruction completed, the MPC is again functional and is serving its intended functions, including plans to put up a generic drug store in the MPC to provide access to cheap basic medicine to the community.

In the latter part of 2011, SEPVHOAI, through PBSP, submitted a proposal and got the approval for the construction of MPC’s second floor intended to be a temporary evacuation place given the experience of the community on flooding from intermittent occurrence of heavy downpour.

Based on engineering evaluation, the current structure can sufficiently accommodate a second-storey infrastructure because it has a good foundation. Specifically, it has six (6) foundations built from Class A concrete mix with 16-millimeter reinforcement steel bars. The additional floor space of 43.60 square meters can accommodate 100 persons, which would be of big use during extreme flooding.

The upgrading of the MPC covered floor finishing, wall enclosures, one toilet, roofing and stairways and all basic parts and features. The second floor shall expand the functional space of the building for the intended uses of SEPVHOAI. 

In Ms Mercado's message to the community, she hopes that the MPC will also serve as an information hub for disaster risk reduction and management.